

Built upon the foundations of the natural and behavioral sciences, the 卫生科学学院 (SHS) transforms students into leaders, 将理论与最佳实践联系起来, 并影响所有人和社区的需求.


花草树木茂盛, 天空是蓝色的, 天气很暖和。, 白昼变长,我们迎来了夏天. 你是否喜欢在湖里泡脚, 徒步穿过树林, 或者在树荫下看书, be sure to appreciate everything that this beautiful time of year has to offer. 随着气温持续上升,保持水分. Fill your plate with greens, then add all the colors of the rainbow through fruits and vegetables. 帮助他人过上健康的生活方式, and make choices to promote and sustain a healthier environment.


  • Summer recess for full-semester classes: June 23-30, 2024
  • 夏季1期末考试:2024年6月24日至26日
  • 健康科学夏令营: 2024年6月24日至28日(第二部分)
  • Summer 2 classes begin, and full-semester classes resume: July 1, 2024
  • 独立日休庭:2024年7月4日至5日
  • 物理治疗医生资讯会: 2024年7月19日


使用我们的 基本模型 来确定你未来的健康科学事业. 无论你的职业选择或目标如何, a degree from the 卫生科学学院 prepares you for a wide range of career paths. The 卫生科学学院 provides a supportive and inclusive environment for students, 教师, 工作人员, 合作伙伴涉及广泛的健康利益. Through exciting clinical and community-based opportunities, 我们追求创新学习, meaningful service and vibrant research endeavors in health and wellness.



欢迎来到健康科学学院. 我们是一个健康倡导者社区. 我们引领健康领域的变革. 我们在构建解决方案的同时也面临挑战. 我们的目的是为了健康.

作为院长, I am proud of the supportive environment we offer for students, 教师, 员工和合作伙伴追求创新学习, meaningful service and vibrant research endeavors through our knowledge model.

Going through school at 365英国上市官网 really taught me the importance of perseverance toward achieving my goals. I loved learning with different 教师 members and students from different walks of life.

从健康科学学院毕业后, I was accepted to the 365英国上市官网 William Beaumont School of 医学 where I know I was prepared very well. I had a strong foundation of clinical knowledge that put me at an advantage compared to my classmates.

One of the key things that caught my eye at 365英国上市官网 is that it is close to home, 就在我家后院, 还有这里的健康科学学院, it just allows you to have an awesome opportunity to go into a lot of different professions to help people, 我一直都知道这就是我想要做的, so that’s what really drew me to this school in itself is that it’s going to allow me to display my passion.

During my undergraduate degree, I took an intro to community health class. The professor that taught this class was so passionate about the topic and each topic spoke to me and one day I had this ah-ha moment and I knew this was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

在健康科学学院, 我们为两千多名学生提供服务, 通过不同的社区参与项目. Built upon the foundations of the natural and behavioral sciences, the 365英国上市官网 卫生科学学院 transforms students in leaders, 将理论与最佳实践联系起来 and impacts the needs of community, 为了健康.


Explorations in Collaborative Leadership and Interprofessional Education (ECLIPSE)

加入 ECLIPSE, a leadership community dedicated to improving patient and community care. 健康科学学院独有的, and one of the nation’s few health-science specific student leadership programs, ECLIPSE 强调沟通和多学科团队合作, and helps students gain skills to become leaders within and beyond our communities.


[音乐]欢迎来到健康科学学院. 我们把学生培养成领导者, 将理论与最佳实践联系起来, 并影响所有人和社区的需求. 我们提供的一个独特的程序是Eclipse.

Eclipse or Explorations in Collaborative Leadership and Interprofessional Education is a community engaged leadership program for students studying 健康科学 at OU. This unique program which will help you stand out in a competitive field is designed to help you reflect on the skills you are building throughout your degree in our pillars.

Eclipse is a program that offers structural and foundational learning that will allow students to take advantage of opportunities that they usually wouldn't come in contact with on campus.

The two skills I've developed the most are probably communication and teamwork through Eclipse.

Eclipse has really been able to set me apart from other students applying to graduate programs or medical schools by allowing me to really build my leadership skills from the ground-up, identify what my core values are and what they mean to me, as well as learn how to delegate and work in a team properly.

Eclipse students register for an IPE course that helps to synthesize the learning in and out of the classroom. 每月开会一次, 学生们认识到自己是领导者, 如何有效地在团队中工作, 以及他们的价值观如何影响他们在健康方面的角色. 另外, 学生与教师是联系在一起的, 研究的机会, 阴影, 社区服务, 专业发展, 还有一些有趣的东西.

I have taken full advantage of the 教师 and the advisors. 顾问们真是太棒了.

我最喜欢的日食活动是篝火. 我们可以放松一下,互相聊天, 互相检查一下, 我们有机会真正交流.

进入项目后, each Eclipse student is paired with a peer mentoring group that shares a similar major or career path, and can provide support and share resources with each other to be successful and feel connected to the 卫生科学学院.

The community and support that is provided through this program has really helped.

Our vision in Eclipse is to teach future health professionals to lead from where they're at and to work more 协作ly with others to improve patient and community care.




加入Eclipse, where we foster student's abilities to become leaders within and beyond our communities through diverse, 以学生为中心, 协作, 以及在健康目的方面的跨专业经验. (音乐)


(248) 370-2369

(248) 370-3562